How did you get into stand-up comedy?
I came to comedy after failing in adult life in almost every way and, whilst trying to become a composer and write musicals, I found my way into comedy on the London random open-mic scene. Twenty years later I am still here and now comedy has been the thing that has got me into writing musicals now as well, so strange life !
Where do you get your inspiration for your material?
I have a magic bag of comedy ideas sold to me by a wizard many years ago, and, if that doesn't work, I just make up stuff and talk about how I'm rubbish at everything.
How do you deal with hecklers or a tough audience?
Usually by not realising they are being nasty, starting an actual conversation and then the disjointed nature of the connection brings comedy forth, or I use my magic bag.
What is the funniest or most memorable moment you've had on stage?
Probably when my keyboard broke at the very start of a gig and I mimed playing through out, with no sound coming from the keyboard, and just pretended it was part of my act. It worked so well I tried it a few other times, but it never worked again !
What's been the highlight of your career as a stand-up comedian so far?
Being a functioning person with possibilities and options in life as opposed to how my adult life started. And meeting a wizard who gave me a magic bag !
Do you already have an impression of Switzerland and the Swiss, if so what is it?
I have been a few times and people seem lovely ! [touch wood!]
If you had to choose a favourite city, Zurich or Basel?
Who ever I'm standing in front of at the time.
How do you see more of Robert White?
Come see him headline our premier show "The Big Comedy Kiss with Robert White" on the 28 of March in Basel and on the 29th of March in Zurich.

Can't make it?
Check him out on his socials for more dates and shows here: Robert White.